Skincare, Bodycare, Makeup, Haircare, Nailcare, Feetcare, Spa, Cosmetics, Raw Materials, Appliances, Packaging
K-BeautySkincare, Bodycare, Makeup, Haircare, Nailcare, Feetcare, Spa, Cosmetics, Raw Materials, Appliances, Packaging
Food and beverage, dairy products, confectionery, agricultural and fishery foods, coffee, tea, functional foods
K-FoodFood and beverage, dairy products, confectionery, agricultural and fishery foods, coffee, tea, functional foods
Broadcast, movies, games, animation, music, art, metaverse and NFT contents
K-ContentBroadcast, movies, games, animation, music, art, metaverse and NFT contents
Furniture, interior supplies, bathroom products, carpets, kitchen utensils, appliances, fashion clothing, jewelry
K-LIfestyleFurniture, interior supplies, bathroom products, carpets, kitchen utensils, appliances, fashion clothing, jewelry
Robot, VR/AR, Al & Big Data Smart City/Home/Office/Farm, 5G/loT Digital Technology Products and Service
K-TechRobot, VR/AR, Al & Big Data Smart City/Home/Office/Farm, 5G/loT Digital Technology Products and Service
후원(Paris 2024)
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Korea Expo 조직위원회
T. +82-2-6000-6727 | E. expo@k-expo.org05561 서울특별시 송파구 백제고분로9길 5 (스토리2003)